+ How to locate myself Spiritually? First Step is to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior so he will be able to guide and help you in your walk of faith. Rom 10: 9-10.
Salvation Prayer: "Lord Jesus, come into my life, I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus Christ died for me. Thank you Father for the gift of Salvation in Jesus name, Amen!"
To locate yourself spiritually, answer the below questions tick everything that applies to you.
+ STAGE1 :NON-BELIVER Please answer the following questions to locate yourself q I believe there is a God, and that he is good. q I know the story of Jesus. q I understand the basics of Christianity, through sermon or similar.
+ STAGE II:BELONGING q Jesus is the Son of God, and is my Lord and my Savior. q I know by experience the difference union with Christ makes. q I am committed to a cell group. q I share the values of the cell group. q I read the Bible regularly to let God speak to me. q I pray to God each day. q I am baptized, and value my baptism. q I receive Holy Communion regularly and it is very meaningful to me. q I know something about the history of my church. q I share the vision of my church. q I am a committed member of the church. q I support my church financially. q I tithe my income. q I have been released from bondages of the past, through an encounter weekend (or similar). q I have been filled with the Spirit.
+ STAGE III: SERVING q I can lead the Welcome section in cell meetings. q My prayer life is satisfying and growing. q I intercede most days for my family and friends, members of my cell, my neighbors and for three people I want to get to know Jesus – as well as for current affairs. q I intercede regularly for a missionary or mission society, for my community, country and leaders. q When someone is leading worship or prayer, I am spiritually fully involved. q I am able to pray aloud in a group, off the cuff. q I can lead the Worship section in cell meetings. q I am able to pray with another person when the need arises. q I understand what evangelism is and why it is important. q I pray for my neighbors to come to Christ, and that I may have opportunities to serve them and to share the good news of Jesus. q I know how to tell my story to someone who is not a Christian. q I know how to lead someone to Christ. q I have experienced being part of an evangelistic programme. q I understand the message of the Old Testament in its broadest terms. q I understand the message of the New Testament in its broadest terms. q I use the Bible to help me in my daily life - in my thought life and my words and my deeds. q I have used the Bible to help others. q I can lead the Word section in cell meetings. q I keep being filled with the Spirit. q I have helped others be filled with the Spirit. q I walk with the Spirit. q I understand the variety and usefulness of spiritual gifts. q I know my own gifts and use them to help others. q I use my gifts to help people outside the church. q I know how to apply biblical principles to issues of life such as justice, work, sex, money, power, leisure. q My lifestyle is a good example to others. q I can facilitate/lead c in a cell group meeting.
+ STAGE III: MATURING q My prayer life is deeply satisfying.
q I engage with God in public worship, whatever its style.
q I am seeing more and more answers to my intercession.
q I know my style of evangelism.
q I am able to answer those who question me about my faith.
q I am aware of different evangelistic strategies.
q I have been part of several evangelistic outreach programmes or events.
q I have studied at least two books of the Bible in depth.
q I am learning to discern good and evil.
q I am growing in knowledge and humility.
q I am learning to be content in all circumstances.
q I am learning to be self-disciplined, with no unresolved conflicts.
q I am learning to live for others and to learn from others, especially of other cultures.
q I am becoming increasingly effective in at least one area of ministry outside the church organization.
q I am involved in issues of justice and reconciliation.
q I know how to grow the church, especially through cells.
q I am training up someone in the ministry I am doing.
q I am usually discipling at least one other person through the Christian Growth Cycle.
+ STAGE IV: FURTHER GROWTH q I am deepening my prayer life in new areas. q I am training people in making disciples. q The church recognizes me as a leader. q I read the whole Bible again and again. q I have undertaken further theological study. q I understand the times we live in and are able to apply the gospel to them. q I am growing in those gifts that are of greatest use to the kingdom of God.
+ How do I map out my spiritual growth? Map out your spiritual growth:
+ Why do I need a spiritual mentor or prayer partner? Having a Spiritual mentor or prayer partner will help in
Two is better than one Ecl 4:9-10
(Prov 1:1-5 NIV) The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young--let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning set guidance . + How do you choose a spiritual mentor? Finding the right kind of person to encourage and build up in your walk with Jesus can be difficult.
Here some few practical steps that can assist you to pick the right person to mentor you.
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